On the path of growth within every organization, there is a crucial need for the lines of businesses to develop their governance methods, and that starts with Policies, Standard Operating Procedures, Legalities, Guidelines, and Protocols.
At Ethanrai Group LP, our team of consultants designs tailor-made Standard operating procedures that best harmonize with your organization. Standard operating procedures are a set of instructions that address the WHO, WHAT, WHERE, WHY, and WHEN of an activity. SOP defines the authorities and reporting structures at every level for every element of the organization.
Standard operating procedures (SOPs) envision the organization’s current capability and future aspiration and are customized considering your appetite for expansion. Through SOP Development, sync is developed between the web stores, brick & mortar stores, mobile apps, inter-city deliveries, and customer retention and vendor fulfillment.
SOP Procedures fill in the gaps between each process, where these gaps are identified and worked upon to realize the operating cost and the net output. Our expertise includes developing standard operating procedures for small and medium-scale businesses where the businesses carry an inherent moat that needs to be structured and banked upon through SOP and the entire management. Standard operating procedures (SOPs) are a set of instructions documented and implemented right from organizational structuring, department structuring, defining the procedural owners and their KPIs, and Reporting structures which eventually help in the seamless operational functioning of the organization.